We are honoured to announce that Mainspring has received a second award for its Private Equity administration service this time from The Drawdown, a leading Private Equity media publication, at their awards ceremony on Thursday 23 September. The Drawdown Awards recognises excellence and innovation within Europe’s very best private capital fund operations and our award was for “Fund Administration: Under $50bn of assets”. We are proud that our private equity and venture capital fund administration service has won two major awards within as many weeks.
There were six fund administrators on the shortlist and the judges specifically pointed to a number of primary factors when giving the award to Mainspring – the significant growth achieved in the last year in terms of new managers, increase in number of funds administered and growth of funds under administration, our ability to provide services in new domiciles and the ongoing investment and innovation in Mainspring’s technology platform.
Naturally, we are so delighted to receive further industry recognition for our services and very much look forward to working with existing and new partners going forward.

Stephen Geddes (CEO of Mainspring – centre) flanked by Norman Watson (Director – Head of Sales) & Charles Bathurst (Business Development Director – on the right) having been presented the award by Ram Kumar (Director – Real Deals) & Lucy Porter (Host)
Stephen Geddes (CEO of Mainspring – centre) flanked by Norman Watson (Director – Head of Sales) & Charles Bathurst (Business Development Director – on the right) having been presented the award by Ram Kumar (Director – Real Deals) & Lucy Porter (Host)