Reporting to your Investors

Your fund has held a first close and you have some money in the ground, having executed your fund’s first deal. Now you need to start thinking about how you report on your activity to your investors. Of course, your latitude here is limited: the Limited Partnership Agreement (LPA) for your fund will detail what…

Making your first investments

So, having now been managing your deal flow and building up a pipeline of potential investments for your new fund, you have identified what you feel is an attractive first investment. What considerations should you keep in mind when making this first investment? And how will you fund it? Building up a portfolio of investments…

Timing the first close

In previous editions of our Insights series we’ve looked at some of the key considerations regarding the first deal from your fund, and one of the key considerations is: When should I hold a first close for my fund? The question is of course significant and not only for the practical reasons laid out in…